Bi-Weekly Brock Round-up for June 24, 2018

Welcome to the second edition of the bi-weekly newsletter! This newsletter is meant to give you one convenient place to find the coolest things I’ve come across this week, including my latest blog posts, podcast episodes, news items, projects and a few other things that you may be interested in. Enjoy!

Before we get into anything else, I am itching to tell you about a program that is beginning in just a couple weeks… WEIGHLESS!

Here is the elevator pitch:
Weighless is a group coaching program that I run with Monica Reinagel (the Nutrition Diva) that produces permanent weight loss through lifestyle modification, awareness, and behaviour change. Our unique approach maximizes fat loss, minimizes metabolic disruption, and builds sustainable habits. So, instead of learning how to lose weight, you learn how to weigh less.

You can find all the information at Weighless.Life and our next year-long program will begin on July 6. Continue reading “Bi-Weekly Brock Round-up for June 24, 2018”