Forearm & Wrist Strength and Mobility – Workout of the Week #55

Here is a simple series of movements you can do at home with a small hand weight or a regular old hammer. Fun!

Forearm and wrist strength is important in daily life, not just at the gym or in the yoga studio (yes, even yoga demands strong wrists). Building and maintaining strength in this part of the body is essential.

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Video: Lower Ab, Leg Raises

This is a lower ab, leg workout that I have been doing a lot lately. These 4 exercises work a number of muscles but also target the lower abdominals (aka rectus abdominis) in particular.

As well as your lower abs, these movements also improve the strength and mobility of your hips and lower back, which is great for anyone who spends much of their day sitting at a desk.

Read more about why you should Not Ignore Your Core

The 5 Move Workout – Workout of the Week #50

This is a simple but effective workout that you can do at home. You just need a little bit of floor space and a pull-up bar… and some grit!

The moves are:

  1. One pull-up
  2. One push-up
  3. One squat
  4. Plank for 10 seconds (or choose a plank variation)
  5. Jog in place for 10 seconds (with high knees)

Don’t let the “single rep” part of this workout turn you off – the transitions are part of the workout and I guarantee with all the up and down in this workout, your heart rate will climb quickly!

Stair “step-up” Workout – WoW #49

Here is a great workout that you can do at home with a stair or any platform that can support your weight.

A step-up is a bodyweight exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and the gluteal muscles in the buttocks. This is what is considered to be a general lower body conditioning exercise.

You can do all of the variations in this video as a progression or choose the variation that is appropriate for your level of fitness and mobility.