The archive of a Spreecast Ben Greenfield (Ironman triathlete, nutritionist, and fitness coach) did for the Fall 2013 “Team in Training” athletes.
Continue reading “Race Nutrition 101 with Ben”
Going Goofy
That’s right. I am at it again.
But this time I am not running just one marathon – no no – I am running two! Well, one and a half. Jan 8th I will run 21.1km and Jan 9th I will run 42.2km. That’s why Disney calls this race the “Goofy“.
The reason I am doing this is simple: to help cure cancer.
75% of all the money I raise goes straight to research or patient services. This is not one of the charities you have been reading about in the news lately. The LLSC subsists mainly on volunteered time from awesome individuals.
For these races I will be running in memory of my cousin Janice, my grandfather Bill and our family friend Barbara who all lost their battles with cancer. I will also be running in honour of my friends James and Franny and my grandmother Lena who are all cancer survivors.
It would mean a lot to me if you were to support me in this endeavour… even if I am a little Goofy.
Without My Ducklings
It has been quite a while since I have had to train on my own. Actually, I can literally pinpoint the day – the day I joined Team in Training.
Sure, I would head out for the odd run alone but I could always count on having at least two training sessions per week (”quality” and “long slow”) with my peeps (is that still a word?). Since I started the Runner Makeover I have been aspiring to speeds that I would dare not inflict on my unsuspecting team of trainees. Don’t get me wrong, I am loving everything about this makeover but it is a little lonely without my little running ducklings (a name my 2009 Vancouver team got as they followed me, single file, through the rain to the race expo).
I still meet up with my team on Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings (when the weather permits, this has been a long and harsh Edmonton winter) but that only accounts for 10-15kms of my weekly 70-80km, of which most are done between 5:45am – 8:00am. I blame the ridiculous time of day on my work week. I work full-time as a web developer, teach Design Studies at MacEwan University, coach for Team and Training, get my own training done… and try to have a life. Ha!
I’m not complaining, I enjoy a busy day but it does lead to lonely runs, at early hours, without my running ducklings.
Finally, good weather!
Hurray! The snow has subsided and the temperature has warmed enough that we could go for a run outdoors today!
It was glorious. I had nearly forgotten how much shorter 16km feels when you have people to chat with and scenery to look at. I really do recommend that if you are currently a treadmill junky, get out and run in the fresh air. Preferably with some like-minded individuals. It really turns those LSD runs from something you have to do into something you really want to do!
Seriously. You don’t know what you are missing!