Bones, optimization, weaknesses and a loading workout

I am in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan right now for a family event so I will keep this brief and to the point. As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, let me remind you that it is never too cold to get outside and move your body. Dress appropriately (layers and bright colours) and if you do get cold, just move more! Problem solved 🙂

If any of the following topics happen to tickle your fancy, click the underlined text to read or listen.


Second Wind Fitness – Are You Too Fit to Fracture?
My guest, Lora Giangregorio PhD, is research Chair in Mobility and Aging at the University of Waterloo. Her work has led to the development of the “Too Fit To Fracture” Exercise and Physical Activity Recommendations for Individuals with Osteoporosis. Her aim is to reduce the burden of osteoporotic fractures.

Change Academy – Be Careful What You Optimize For
In this episode, we talk about why it’s so important to be clear on exactly what value you are optimizing for–-and what you are willing to sacrifice in order to do that.


Brock Armstrong Coaching – Turn a Fitness Weakness into a Fitness Strength
If your goal is to run faster, lift heavier weights, or even have larger calf muscles, the path to achieving results is pretty clear. But sometimes our fitness goals are more holistic and elusive. That is exactly when I think you should focus on your weaknesses. 


Full-Body Loading Exercises

There are many types of weight-bearing (or loading) exercises that cause a response from our bones but it takes a certain type of “load” to stimulate the bone-building cells. The exercises in this video provide that type of loading. 

For more videos like this make sure to check out (and subscribe to) my free YouTube channel.

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