Compression, commitment, home gyms and a jumping workout

Before I dive into the podcast episodes, articles and videos… what do you think would happen if you could confidently invest your energy in the things that make the biggest difference? Just imagine seeing your efforts translate into actual progress. 

Well, that’s exactly what the assessment that Monica Reinagel and I put together at Weighless.Life/Quiz will help you do.

And don’t worry, this isn’t some Buzz Feed type of shenanigans. This is a scientifically-validated assessment that will score your current abilities and tendencies in six different categories associated with successful weight management.  And it’ll only take about 3 minutes to complete. Check it out! We’re pretty proud of it. 

If any of the following topics happen to tickle your fancy, click the underlined text to read or listen.


Second Wind Fitness – What about Compression Garments?
Amateur and pro athletes alike are wearing compression gear and using compression machines to (hopefully) improve their performance and/or speed up their recovery. But do these skin-tight suits really do anything?

Change Academy – Lashing Yourself to the Mast
If you have ever come up with a scheme to keep yourself from succumbing to temptation, you have experimented with a thing called a commitment device. As you’ll see, you are not the first to try this.


Brock Armstrong Coaching – Brock’s Home Gym Essentials
In the last few years, I have only been to the gym twice. Shocking, right? The reason I can do that and still stay in top condition is due to the fact that I have a few (not a ton) of key exercise gear at home. With the gift-giving season sneaking up on us, it seems like the perfect time to make a list!


Monster Squat Jumps

With my current focus on movements that will stimulate bone growth (or at least encourage bones not to lose more density), here is a fun jumping workout. 

The sequence goes like this:

  • Basic squats
  • Add in the jump
  • Lateral Monster walks between each jump.

Even if you aren’t interested in bone density, this is a heck of a way to build some explosive power, and strength, and get your heart rate up all at the same time.

For more videos like this make sure to check out (and subscribe to) my free YouTube channel.

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