Movement Digest – May 2, 2021

I have been having a blast for a couple of years now creating workout videos for my YouTube channel. But you know what would make it even more fun? To hear from you about what you would like me to make videos about.

So if you have a particular movement or exercise or workout that you are curious about, just reply to this email and let me know. I am game for just about anything 🙂

And now, with that out of the way, on with this week’s digest!

If any of the following topics happen to tickle your fancy, click the underlined text to read or listen.


Get-Fit Guy – How to Build Balance and Strength with a BOSU
It may look like half of a stability ball, but the fitness device known as a half-dome or BOSU packs a whole workout punch. Here’s how to use a BOSU correctly and make it a vital part of your home workout.

Get-Fit Guy – Why Play Is the Answer if You Hate to Exercise
Fitness Explorer Darryl Edwards has a message that might be music to your ears: It isn’t natural for humans to exercise. Instead, he invites us to play.


Upper Body Only Cardio

In this video, I demonstrate a series of 5 exercises that you can do sitting down or standing up that will raise your heart rate, challenge your range of motion, and test your coordination.

The exercises are:

  • Alternating Side Reaches
  • Alternating Side Rotations
  • Big & Small Arm Circles
  • Three-Way Jabs
  • Sprinter Arms

Read more about this workout and how you can use this technique.

Social Media:

This LinkedIn post was the most active my social media feed got this week. And rightfully so! My podcast guest, Darryl Edwards, not only explained the exercising is not natural for us humans but he also gave us a solution – make your exercise time into playtime! 

Check out the post on LinkedIn and then give Darryl’s website Primal Play a look too.

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