Bi-weekly Roundup – Oct 28, 2018

Welcome to newsletter number 10 in this bi-weekly roundup adventure. The only place that gives you one easy place to retrieve all the rantings and ravings that I have unleashed on the world of health, fitness, movement, and wellness in the last two weeks.

During these last two weeks, there has been a distinct increase in my appearances on podcasts but there has also been a decrease in the amount of personal coaching that I am doing. That is due to the (sad) fact that race season – especially here in Canada – is coming to an end. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t still hire me as your coach!

The Fall and Winter are perfect times to put on some muscle mass, gain some strength, address some muscle imbalances, or simply train for a new goal that doesn’t involve swimming, cycling or running outdoors. So, feel free to hit reply on this email if you are interested in starting in on a new fitness regimen with me as your guide.

** You can find out more about my coaching packages at

Now, on with the roundup. If any of the following topics happen to tickle your fancy, click the underlined text to read or listen.


Scientific American – Why Cross-Training Is Essential (and Improves Your DNA)
Including cross-training in your fitness program allows you to vary the stress placed on specific muscles and your cardiovascular system.

Get-Fit Guy – Heart Rate Variability (HRV): What It Is and How to Improve It
Researchers at Harvard University have gone as far as to say that measuring your Heart Rate Variability is “a visual insight into the most primitive part of your brain” which sounds great but how can us fit folks use it to our

Get-Fit Guy – Want to Jump Higher? 8 Ways to Improve Your Vertical Leap
Training methods including heavy resistance training, explosive resistance training, plyometrics, electrostimulation, and even vibration platforms have all been used to potentially enhance vertical jump (or vertical leap) performance. But which ones have been proven to be the most effective?

Endurance Planet – Ask the Coaches 272
Titanium vs. Carbon Fibre, Racing by Pace or HR, Time Off to Get Balanced, Training Short and Long, and more!

Ben Greenfield Fitness – Audience Q&A 391
How Skinny Guys Can Get Big Muscles, Is There Really No Such Thing As Too Much Exercise?, Is GHB Safe? & Much More!

Health Coach Nation – Ditch Diets and Lose Fat with Brock Armstrong
Getting fit requires consistency and dedication, but it doesn’t have to be a miserable experience! Brock Armstrong is helping people ditch diets for good and create permanent lifestyle changes for fat loss. Brock’s program, Weigh Less, promotes that there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

FitX Talks – Quickly Improve Your Quality of Life
FITxTalks are short 10-minute talks that bring the worlds greatest minds in Fitness, Mindset, and Wellness to support you in living your best life.

Blog Posts:

Get-Fit Guy – Don’t Dismiss Walking
Can you walk your way to fitness? Sure! It can help you maintain mobility, de-stress your mind, lower your blood pressure, and reduce your risk of a bunch of chronic diseases. Walking truly is one of the simplest activities that you can do to boost your health and well-being.


photo of brock's youtube channel
The Brock Armstrong website – Workout of the Week #18
This week I talk about gait analysis and how cool and helpful it can be for a runner who is in need of a tune-up. I also cover a thing called Weight Stripping, which is a very effective way of getting a good PUMP on in a short amount of time.


Road running – I have signed up for the Fall Classic 10k on Nov 4. The race goes up and down and around the gorgeous UBC campus. If you plan to be there, let me know and we can have a coffee after!

And that is that. If you find this round-up email newsletter interesting, helpful and informative please subscribe to my newsletter and you will receive this in your inbox every two weeks.

Now, get out there and get that body moving!

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