How Hard Are You Exercising? (rate of perceived exertion)

man in black crew neck t shirt drinking yellow liquid from plastic bottle

You may have heard me say that you should do a particular exercise at a particular intensity or your doctor may have told you to get 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity exercise per week. Do you need to buy an activity tracker or get a kinesiology degree to know exactly how intense these workouts should be? The truth is that you probably already innately know how hard you are exercising. It’s called Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and it’s already installed in your brain!

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Lunge variations, contagious exercise, and footfall

I hate to be boring and talk about the weather but lately, the weather in this world is anything but boring. Now I know many of you live in a place where it may be in fact too hot but I am happy to report that here in the northern part of the pacific northwest, we are finally getting some summer – so excuse me if this intro is abbreviated, but I have a beach to get to, eh!

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Morning Routine, Frustration, and a Leg Lifting Workout

If you’ve been listening to my podcast or reading my newsletters over the past few weeks, you know that I have been getting ready to start a new cohort in the year-long Weighless program. (This is the group coaching program, where Monica Reinagel and I help people finally break the cycle of endless dieting and learn how to become someone who weighs less.)

Well, that new group is now officially underway BUT if you’re feeling some FOMO, I have awesome news: It is not too late!  

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